Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The One Thing I Hate About New York...

BRIDGES!!! The other day, I went to the store pick up some stuff and I decided to take a different way home. I usually take the back-roads, but I took the freeway because I wanted to try a faster way. I've gone that way before, but on my way home I thought there were two exits and I needed to take the second, but that is on the other side of the freeway. I missed the last exit before the bridge. I screamed as I realized this, drove across the bridge, paid the toll (thankfully it was only $1), and drove back home a little embarrassed. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it soon. :)


Unknown said...

Hey Lape wieners. I can totally see you doing that! How frustrating!

Muum said...

Love the screaming response. Y'know what they say, if you are making a mistake, make it a LOUD mistake (oh, maybe that is just true in band?)

Darwin + Kiara said...

Thank goodness for no toll roads out here! They're so stinkin annoying! Sorry you have to deal with that. We miss you guys!

Chelsey said...

Wow, I'm impressed that you even tried a new way home. Once I know the way to get somewhere, I never deviate from that course because I've gotten myself lost or frustrated when I try to explore. Way to go Gretchen for going for it...especially in New York!